Production of quality pipeline
according to your requirements

Significant experience in planning and designing drainage, distribution and main water supply pipelines.

Work process, supervision and compliance with deadlines

We have the knowledge necessary to carry out complex works in the production of pipes. Our range of offers includes:

  • Assembly and disassembly of connection lines for industrial furnaces, heat exchangers, condensers, collectors, machine housing, containers, tanks and columns.
  • Boiler housing pipeline with steam distributor
  • Pipe welding works of all sizes and materials
  • Production of high-pressure pipes
  • Refrigerant pipes
  • Auxiliary heating



We perform work in chemical, petrochemical and oil plants, as well as food industry plants. We perform quality assembly. At the same time, we perform work in energy plants, i.e. heating and cooling in larger industrial facilities.


The process of making pipelines involves the assembly and fastening of process, energy and protective pipelines in an insulated or non-insulated version. In doing so, particular care is taken to ensure that the appropriate joining procedure is applied for each individual structural material and that there is no contamination of disparate materials by the use of faulty or impure tools

Have any questions?

If you have any questions related to business cooperation, do not hesitate to contact us, our friendly staff will do their best to answer all your questions.
or if you are impatient to wait for an answer, call us directly on our contact number:

+386 70 661 788

We look forward to your invitation!